Lip Fillers 玻尿酸丰唇 到底是什么?

Lip Fillers 玻尿酸丰唇

Lip Fillers 玻尿酸丰唇

Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronic acid, is a naturally occurring substance in the human body, secreted by fibroblasts, and exists in large quantities in various parts of the human body. As we age, hyaluronic acid continues to lose, the skin slowly loses its elasticity, and becomes dry and dark yellow. Synthetic hyaluronic acid can be completely metabolized and absorbed by the human body. In order to prevent it from being absorbed too quickly by the human body, the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid will be made larger during the production process, so as to achieve a continuous effect within 3-12 months of injection.

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in medical plastic surgery, such as nose and chin filling, removing static wrinkles, embellishing the face, and filling facial depressions. Due to its good water retention, it is also used for skin hydration (Shuiguangzheng).

For more information about Lip Fillers hyaluronic acid lip augmentation, please click “Detailed introduction of hyaluronic acid lip augmentation, all in one article!” “

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Dermal Filler 中文 玻尿酸填充剂,玻尿酸丰唇是采用注射的方法将玻尿酸材料注射到唇部,增加皮下组织的体积来支撑起唇部轮廓,以达到丰唇的效果。

Lip Fillers 玻尿酸丰唇



更多关于Lip Fillers 玻尿酸丰唇的内容,请点击《玻尿酸丰唇详细介绍,一篇文章全知道!》


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