
IPL脱毛 激光脱毛 多伦多

如今,市面上有各种各样的设备和美容院提供基于激光射线的永久脱毛服务。都知道有数不胜数的方法都可以达到让皮肤光滑无毛的目的,但在选择激光脱毛和IPL(Intense Pulsed Light 强脉冲光)脱毛之间该如何决策呢?是否有必要一直去美容院,或者在家自己进行脱毛同样有效呢?



Laser hair removal and IPL hair removal are two methods that can theoretically remove body hair permanently. They both use light to destroy the pigment in the hair follicles to reduce or prevent hair regrowth. While they can achieve similar effects, there are some differences.


Laser hair removal uses a single wavelength of light to specifically target and destroy the melanin in the hair follicle. Since the laser only targets melanin, it is suitable for people with fairer skin and darker hair. Laser hair removal requires multiple treatments, usually 4 to 6 weeks apart.

In contrast, IPL hair removal uses a broad-spectrum light that can target hairs of different colors and depths. IPL hair removal requires more number of treatments, usually 2 to 3 weeks between treatments. Compared with laser hair removal, IPL is more suitable for people with darker skin or lighter hair color.

Although both laser hair removal and IPL hair removal can achieve long-term hair removal effects, their treatment methods and applicable populations are slightly different. When choosing a hair removal method, it’s best to consult a professional doctor or esthetician first to determine which method is best for your skin and hair type. It should be noted that energy, frequency, and hair color are important factors in determining the effectiveness of the treatment, while the type of light source (laser or intense pulsed flash lamp) plays a minor role.

Today, there are various devices and salons offering permanent hair removal based on laser rays. We all know that there are countless ways to achieve smooth and hair-free skin, but how to choose between laser hair removal and IPL (Intense Pulse Light) hair removal? Is it necessary to go to the salon all the time, or is it just as effective to do it yourself at home?


IPL脱毛 激光脱毛 多伦多




IPL脱毛 激光脱毛 多伦多


医美诊所 or DIY脱毛?


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