Infini 黄金射频微针 中文
Introduction of Infini Gold RF Microneedling:
It is a medical aesthetic method specially used to treat skin problems such as acne marks, acne pits, acne, dark circles, wrinkles, and stretch marks. It is a radio frequency microneedle probe made of gold. The probe can penetrate well into the dermis to release radio frequency alternating current to heat the skin, and the stimulation effect on the dermis and subcutaneous tissue of the skin is more significant. The gold probe is suitable for all kinds of skin and can play a very good role in preventing infection.
Infini gold radio frequency microneedle principle:
It is a combination of multiple technologies, including microneedle minimally invasive, radio wave function, and segmental shuttle technology, which can treat different skin depths by adjusting the microneedle radio wave probe. The radio frequency of the Infini gold radio frequency microneedle will cause the skin to produce a thermal effect, which can stimulate the self-repair of the skin, improve the internal circulation of the skin, and allow a large amount of collagen to be produced and rearranged in an orderly manner. Through the regeneration and arrangement of collagen, the purpose of eliminating fine lines and scars of the skin is achieved. Infini gold radio frequency microneedling is currently one of the safest and most effective beauty treatments for acne and wrinkle in Toronto.
Infini 黄金射频微针是一种专门用于治疗痘印、痘坑、粉刺、黑眼圈、皱纹、妊娠纹等皮肤问题的医美方法。它是利用黄金打造的射频微针探头,探头可以很好的穿透到真皮层释放射频交流电加热皮肤,对皮肤真皮层和皮下组织的刺激效果更加显著。黄金探头适合各种皮肤,对防止感染能够起到非常好的效果。
Infini 黄金射频微针是多项技术的结合,包括微针微创、电波功能、分段式飞梭技术,它通过调整微针电波探头来治疗不同的皮肤深度。Infini 黄金射频微针的射频,会使皮肤产生热效应,可以刺激皮肤的自我修复,改善皮肤内部循环,让胶原蛋白大量产生以及重新有序的排列。通过胶原蛋白的重生与排列,达到消除皮肤细纹、疤痕的目的。Infini 黄金射频微针是目前多伦多最为安全和有效的美容祛痘、祛皱医美方案之一。
Infini 黄金射频微针的射频能量可以通过调整精准的作用于不同深度的皮肤组织,探头微针会释放100赫兹的无线电波,它可以穿透皮肤表层作用于真皮层的黑色素,加热真皮层胶原。在这个过程中,皮脂腺被破坏,痤疮丙酸杆菌被杀死,皮肤毛孔粗大、痘坑以及痘印得以改善。Infini 黄金射频微针的射频在底部尖端释放,直接作用于深层真皮层的胶原蛋白,使之快速收缩,紧致排列。在此同时,胶原蛋白也受到刺激大量新生和重组,提升皮肤的紧致感。
更多关于 Infini 黄金射频微针 的内容,请点击《关于 Infini 黄金射频微针 ,一篇文章全知道!》
Infini 黄金射频微针 中文
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