Fotona 4D 欧洲之星
Smooth Er quick tightening technology. Smooth Er rapid tightening technology is an intraoral laser treatment. Compared with treating from outside the skin, it is easier to reach the fascia layer from the inside of the mouth, which can minimize energy loss and maximize the treatment effect. By heating the oral mucosa from the inside of the mouth, the local temperature rises, thereby tightening the collagen fibers and stimulating collagen regeneration and reorganization, which can improve facial wrinkles and fine lines.
Piano deep heating fat melting technology. Piano deep heating fat melting technology uses a unique ultra-long pulse width laser, which can pass through the skin and directly act on the superficial fat layer to promote the metabolism and shrinkage of fat cells. Through treatment, facial contour can be improved, and it has a good firming and lifting effect.
SUPERfical micro-peeling technology. SUPErfical micro-peeling technology utilizes the peeling effect of erbium laser, directly acts on the surface of the skin, and rejuvenates the skin from deep to shallow. After treatment, rough skin, large pores, wrinkles and fine lines can be greatly improved.
FRA C3 Peeling Technology. FRA C3 skin rejuvenation technology uses laser to generate 3D lattice models in the dermis and epidermis, using high temperature to cause point-like damage, and through the self-repair function of the skin, it stimulates a large amount of collagen regeneration. Through treatment, it can achieve the effect of whitening and rejuvenating skin, even skin tone, lifting and firming.
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Fotona 4D 技术原理
Fotona 4D中的4D代表4种不同的专利技术。
- Smooth Er快速收紧技术。Smooth Er快速收紧技术是一种在口腔内的激光治疗方式。相比于从皮肤外治疗,从口腔内治疗更加容易达到筋膜层,这样的治疗方式可以让能量的损耗最小以及治疗的效果最佳。通过从口腔内部加热口腔内黏膜,局部温度上升,从而使胶原纤维收紧以及刺激胶原蛋白再生重组,可以改善面部皱纹、细纹。
- Piano深层加热溶脂技术。Piano深层加热溶脂技术使用独有的超长脉宽激光,这种激光可以穿过皮肤,直接作用于浅层脂肪层,促进脂肪细胞的代谢和收缩。通过治疗,可以改善面部轮廓,起到很好的紧致、提拉效果。
- SUPErfical微米焕肤技术。SUPErfical微米焕肤技术利用了铒激光的剥脱效果,直接作用于皮肤表层,对皮肤进行由深到浅的焕肤。治疗后可以大幅改善皮肤粗糙、毛孔粗大、皱纹细纹等等问题。
- FRA C3焕肤技术。FRA C3焕肤技术通过激光在真皮层和表皮层中产生的3D点阵模型,用高温造成点状损伤,通过皮肤的自我修复功能,刺激胶原蛋白大量再生。通过治疗,可以达到美白嫩肤、均匀肤色、提拉紧致的作用。
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