Everything about EMSculpt Neo Treatment?

How to prepare for your EMSculpt Neo Treatment?

Please wear comfortable clothing or you will be provided with a change in clothes. The skin must be cleaned and the applicator must be flat directly on the skin. Unlike EMSculpt, the applicators cannot be placed over your clothes. If you have abdominal or nipple piercing or private part piercings, please remove them prior to your treatment. They may get hot from the heat generated during the procedure and then possibly cause burns in the areas where the piercings are.

Remove your watch and belt and any electronic device from your body like your phone to avoid any of them overheating and/or malfunctioning.

You can keep your earring, necklace and bracelets on but are free to remove them if you wish.

What to expect during EMSculpt Neo Treatment?

You will fell gentle warming sensation over thenfirst 3-4 minutes and then, you will just be distracted with contractions on your abdomen and most likely will no longer even feel any heat, it will simply feel like hot stone massage.

What to expect after EMSculpt Neo Treatment?

There is absolutely no marks on the skin after the procedure.  One may see some redness where the heat was produced, but it will go away in about 1 hour. Mild tenderness or soreness may be present but that’s it.  No recovery. No Pain. No downtime. No restrictions.

Everything about EMSculpt Neo Treatment?

How do I know if I am a candidate for EMSculpt Neo treatment?

EMSculpt NEO and EMSulpt are not the same laser and do not do the same thing.

If you were a candidate for EMsculpt and have had the treatment done, it does not automatically mean you are a candidate for EMSculpt Neo.  It is highly advisable and strongly recommended to have another expert consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for EMSculpt Neo treatment. 

How soon can I work out after EMSculpt Neo treatment?

The answer is immediately after if you wish.  Some people workput before EMSCulpt Neo treatment, some prefer to workout after their treatment and some use their treatment day as a cheat day. 

Can I get EMSCulpt Neo treatment if I have insulin pump?

If you can easily remove the pump from your body for the duration of the treatment, which is 30 minutes, then you should be able to receive this treatment.  The only way to be certain, is to have a proper discussion and a physical exam by Dr.Avaliani before the treatment can be administered. 

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