


Belkyra fat-melting needle treatment is to inject ingredients that can promote fat-melting into the subcutaneous fat layer of the human body to accelerate fat dissolution, and excrete fat with the body’s metabolism to achieve permanent fat-melting effect. After several treatments, most patients can achieve the best results.

Belkyra fat-dissolving injection is a safe and effective non-surgical facial fat-dissolving technology certified by the US FDA. A very small number of patients will experience adverse reactions after treatment, including:

For bruises, Belkyra fat-dissolving needles need multi-point injections with row needles to achieve uniform fat removal, but small-scale injections are likely to cause local bruises.
Pain, all patients will feel mild pain, but due to the different tolerance of the individual to the pain, the pain experience is different. Generally, the pain will disappear within 2-3 weeks.
Dizziness, the composition of the fat-dissolving injection contains ingredients similar to caffeine, and dizziness may appear after the injection, but this phenomenon will disappear soon after treatment.
Swelling. Irritation from the drug at the injection site can cause swelling, which is normal. Swelling will go away naturally within hours to days after treatment.



  1. 淤青,Belkyra溶脂针需要用排针多点注射已达到均匀除脂的作用,但是小范围的注射容易引起局部淤青。
  2. 疼痛,所有的患者都会感受到轻微的疼痛,但是因个人对疼痛的耐受度不同,痛感体验不同。一般疼痛感在之后的2-3周会消失。
  3. 头晕,溶脂针的成分里有类似咖啡因的成分,在注射之后可能出现头晕的现在,但是这种现象在治疗之后很快就会消失。
  4. 肿胀,注射部位的药物刺激会引起肿胀的现象,这是正常的。肿胀在治疗后的数小时到数天内会自然消失。


  1. 治疗后避免高温环境,例如蒸桑拿或者剧烈运动
  2. 避免烟酒和刺激性食物
  3. 治疗后如果感觉疼痛可以用冰敷,每次冰敷10-15分钟
  4. 治疗后可以轻微运动
  5. 治疗后可以正常洗脸、化妆
  6. 如果出现肿胀、淤青、疼痛可以遵循医生建议吃药或者擦药

了解更多关于 Belkyra 溶脂针的内容,请点击《关于 Belkyra 溶脂针,你所需要了解的所有知识》


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