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Aquagold is best used for patients who are looking for a softer, more youthful appearance, but do not require dramatic changes. Microchanneling treats the superficial layers of the skin to provide a moderate, though noticeable, improvement in skin texture, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and increase in collagen production.
While microchanneling is not a replacement for injectable treatments, the small size allows for treating tighter spaces, and the small volume of solution that is applied helps to ensure an even, natural result. It can be effectively used on the face, neck, and décolletage.
The procedure is virtually pain free. Unlike many dermal fillers injections, the treatment does not require an anesthetic. The skin of the face is cleansed, and the chosen ingredients are placed in the sterile tube of Aquagold device. It is then pressed into the skin in an overlapping pattern. Drugs and products are being delivered into the skin, not on it or underneath it. The device works with 20 tiny, precisely spaced needles delivering product into the skin at the ideal depth of 600 microns. The hollow needles hold the product. The needles sit on a platform, and are smaller than a human hair. The needles are inserted into the skin and then pulled back out, leaving the product behind. This creates a soft, natural-looking result, leaving the face looking smoother, tighter, and rejuvenated. The micro needles stimulate cellular renewal in the upper layer of the skin through gentle needling, while the solution is dispersed into the dermis to enhance results.
PRP treatment is:
- Safe because it uses your own natural elements, i.e. your blood. PRP is not a new treatment. Hospitals have used PRP since the 1970’s to improve musculoskeletal problems.
- Rich in growth factors.
- Long lasting. After a series of three treatments, results can still be recognized at 12-18 months. Maintenance treatments are recommended every 3-6 months.
This is a quick and simple treatment that is performed in the office. Patients will need to have their blood drawn and spun, bringing the appointment length to one hour. We offer two types of Aquagold treatments:
Aquagold Vampire
- Consists of drawing the patient’s blood and deriving concentrated platelet rich plasma from it.
- Uses the Aquagold micro channeling device to place the PRP into the dermis of the skin.
- Has a downtime of 1-2 days of mild redness.
- Costs $350 each treatment or $900 for a series of three.
- Three treatments are recommended spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
Aquagold Deluxe
- Consists of drawing the patient’s blood and deriving concentrated platelet rich plasma from it.
- The PRP is mixed with Dysport® muscle relaxant and a Restylane® hyaluronic acid filler into the Aquagold device.
- Uses the Aquagold micro channeling device to place the solution into the dermis of the skin.
- With this mixture, patients can expect more hydration, decrease in daily facial redness, pore size reduction and oil reduction.
- Has a downtime of 1-2 days of mild redness.
- Costs $600 each treatment or $1500 for a series of three.
- Three treatments are recommended spaced 4-6 weeks apart.