How long does hyaluronic acid last? This is the most asked question. We all know that hyaluronic acid is a substance in the base of human skin, which will be gradually absorbed and metabolized by our body. After most people are 25 years old, hyaluronic acid begins to decline gradually, and the body will no longer produce it, so it needs to be supplemented by injection.
How long hyaluronic acid lasts depends on the site of injection and the molecular type of hyaluronic acid. The maintenance time varies with the size of the molecule. Small molecule hyaluronic acid lasts the shortest, usually around half a year. The maintenance time of middle molecular hyaluronic acid is 10-12 months. Macromolecular hyaluronic acid can last for 12-18 months, and it is a long-acting hyaluronic acid. But what specific parts and what molecular types of hyaluronic acid need to be applied requires a doctor to help you make a judgment.
For example, if we want to improve the cheek lines, we can choose hyaluronic acid with large molecules and medium molecules, because this part of the muscles does not require much exercise, and the maintenance time can be longer. But if it is to fill the tear trough, we need to use small molecule hyaluronic acid, which lasts for a shorter time, but is more natural.

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- 不同部位对玻尿酸的吸收分解速度也是不同的,玻尿酸注射后要避免揉捏、按摩,以免造成玻尿酸的移位。
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