Fotona 欧洲之星生发

預約Fotona 欧洲之星生发


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了解Fotona HaiRestart® 生发

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Fotona 的 HaiRestart® 毛发生长刺激是治疗脱发疾病的有效方法。 这种创新解决方案的重点是刺激休眠毛囊以促进头发生长。通过 Fotona SMOOTH® 模式,HaiRestart® 可以确保高度控制能量输送并为患者提供最佳舒适度。从业者可以有效、安全地向头皮提供独特的时间和空间温度分布,从而增加组织再生并促进新毛囊的生长。

Fotona’s HaiRestart® hair growth stimulation is an effective method for treating hair loss disorders. This innovative solution focuses on stimulating dormant hair follicles to promote hair growth. Through the Fotona SMOOTH® mode, HaiRestart® ensures highly controlled energy delivery and provides optimal comfort for patients. Practitioners can effectively and safely deliver a unique temporal and spatial temperature distribution to the scalp. Consequently, this increases tissue regeneration and promotes the growth of new hair follicles.

Firstly, the Fotona HaiRestart® technology targets dormant hair follicles, a crucial step in tackling hair loss. Additionally, this approach is grounded in stimulating these inactive follicles. Furthermore, the stimulation encourages them to re-enter the growth phase. Specifically, the Fotona SMOOTH® mode plays a pivotal role in this process. Moreover, it ensures the delivery of energy is highly controlled. As a result, this precision significantly enhances the treatment’s effectiveness.

Equally important, patient comfort is a top priority in the HaiRestart® treatment. For this reason, the technology is designed to maximize comfort during the procedure. In addition, practitioners are able to apply the treatment effectively and safely. Thus, they ensure optimal results for patients suffering from hair loss. Importantly, the treatment involves delivering a unique distribution of temperature. Consequently, this method is both time-efficient and spatially precise.

Fotona HaiRestart® 生发​优势

  • 预防进一步脱发
  • 增加头发密度和厚度
  • 促进新卵泡生长
  • 无需药物
  • 无术后恢复时间

Fotona HaiRestart® 工作原理

HaiRestart®的作用方法在于获得专利的 Fotona SMOOTH® 脉冲,将激光轻柔地传送到组织,以安全且受控的方式触发头皮。Fotona SMOOTH® 在最佳红外 Er:YAG 激光波长 (2.94 μm) 下工作,与皮肤的最大吸收一致。其独特专利功能是能够以非烧蚀方式起作用,产生精确设计的温和热脉冲。这确保激光温和有效地传递到组织,以安全且受控的脉冲方式加热头皮。总体效果是皮肤温和加热并产生生长因子,而表皮没有任何明显的消融。

效果显著 患者满意度极高

HaiRestart® 的多项临床研究已证明其高效且无不良反应。 据报道,无论 AGA(雄激素性脱发)等级、患者年龄或 AGA 持续时间如何,头发生长显着改善,头发密度增加。

一项2021年的研究表明,93% 的患者的头发质量有所改善,这与年龄或 AGA 等级无关。患者也报告了主观反馈,描述头皮更有弹性、不那么干燥,头发比以前更浓密、更耐用、更健康、更浓密。

Fotona 生发常见问题回答



可以, 该治疗没有术后恢复时间



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