阴道紧致 私密紧致 多伦多
Fotona的2940 nm Er:YAG非磨损激光与专有的“Smooth-mode”技术结合,热影响阴道组织,刺激胶原蛋白的重塑和阴道粘膜组织及富含胶原蛋白的盆腔筋膜中新胶原蛋白纤维的合成。胶原蛋白新生和重塑的最终结果是收紧阴道。
- 改善症状:可以缓解阴道萎缩和阴道松弛综合症常见的症状,如干燥、不适、分泌物和尿失禁。
- 快速恢复:与传统的外科手术相比,IntimaLase 手术的恢复期较短,甚至可以说没有。患者在接受治疗后很快就可以恢复日常活动。
- 微创治疗:IntimaLase 治疗不需要麻醉、无需针头,也不需要切口。
- 提高性满意度:根据研究,大约97%的接受IntimaLase治疗的患者表示在性满意度和亲密感上都有了明显的提高。
Fotona’s 2940 nm Er:YAG non-ablative laser, in combination with its proprietary “Smooth-mode” technology, innovatively targets vaginal tissue. This advanced approach generates thermal effects within the tissue. Consequently, these effects stimulate a remodeling process of collagen. Furthermore, the treatment leads to the synthesis of new collagen fibers in both the vaginal mucosa and the collagen-rich pelvic fascia.
Importantly, the primary function of collagen in these areas is to provide structural integrity and elasticity. As a result of the laser’s action, there’s a gradual rejuvenation of the collagen. This process, over time, leads to the tightening of the vaginal canal. Moreover, the non-ablative nature of the laser ensures that this process is gentle, minimizing discomfort.
The treatment’s efficacy hinges on its ability to heat the tissue at an optimal temperature. Subsequently, this controlled heating is key to stimulating the natural healing processes of the body. Additionally, the “Smooth-mode” technology plays a crucial role in delivering this heat in a uniform and safe manner.
阴道紧致 私密紧致 多伦多
By doing so, it not only stimulates collagen remodeling but also promotes the synthesis of new collagen fibers. Therefore, the treatment effectively enhances the structural strength of the vaginal tissue. Equally important is the fact that this process is non-invasive, offering a significant advantage over more traditional surgical methods.
As the vaginal tissue undergoes this transformation, patients typically notice an improvement in tightness and elasticity. Hence, the Fotona 2940 nm Er:YAG laser provides a revolutionary approach to vaginal tightening. In essence, it offers a blend of cutting-edge technology and natural healing processes.
In conclusion, the Fotona laser’s unique combination of non-ablative laser technology and “Smooth-mode” application represents a significant advancement in the field of gynecological aesthetics. It stands as a testament to the potential of modern laser technology in enhancing women’s health and well-being.
- 绝经前后的女性。
- 分娩后的女性。
- 接受化疗的女性。
- 那些受到阴道松弛、阴道萎缩和阴道脱垂等疾病影响的女性。
不适合接受 IntimaLase 激光阴道紧缩治疗的人群:
- 厌食症患者。
- 阴道痉挛患者。
- 性交困难患者。
- 失禁患者。
- 严重脱垂患者。
- 怀孕的女性。
- 神经系统疾病患者。
- 阴道病变患者。
- 泌尿生殖道感染患者。
- 有异常或不规则出血的患者。
- 光敏性障碍患者。
- 正在摄入光敏药物的患者。
- 血尿患者。
- 自身免疫性疾病患者。
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