紧致肌肤 FOTONA 多伦多
激光紧致 FOTONA™ TIGHT | 多伦多 ID医美诊所
Fotona™ Tight激光紧致治疗,以其独特的技术,温和地刺激胶原蛋白,重建皮肤结构。这一流程无需恢复期,过程中您会感到舒适愉悦。只需一个午休的时间,就能让您的皮肤松弛问题便得到解决,毫不费力地恢复至年轻紧致状态。
Fotona™拥有长达56年的临床治疗经验,并已通过美国FDA、欧盟CE及加拿大Health Canada的多重认证。其独特的双波长治疗,适用于全身、面部、以及口腔内外的激光治疗,能够解决如双下巴/双下颌的皮肤松弛、溶脂塑形等问题。而且,治疗后无恢复期,不会影响您的日常工作和社交。
Fotona™ Tight is widely recognized as a European star in the field of laser tightening systems. Furthermore, it stands out as the world’s first non-invasive laser device for skin tightening and body contouring. Significantly, this system features patented non-invasive tightening technology, including the innovative SmoothLiftin™ for rapid tightening and Piano® for deep heating and fat dissolution.
Additionally, Fotona™ Tight is capable of internal facial tightening through intraoral application. Importantly, this unique approach uses the world’s only method of “combined internal and external, multi-layered treatment” in laser tightening. Consequently, it achieves three major objectives: fat dissolution and body shaping, skin tightening, and post-liposuction repair.
Moreover, these functionalities contribute to making the skin more firm and elastic. Thus, Fotona™ Tight represents a significant advancement in non-invasive aesthetic treatments. Not only does it provide a comprehensive solution for body contouring, but it also ensures optimal results in skin rejuvenation.
激光紧肤 Fotona™ Tight原理
紧致肌肤 FOTONA 多伦多
Therefore, Fotona™ Tight is a revolutionary system that blends efficiency with safety. As a result, it has become a preferred choice for those seeking non-surgical aesthetic improvements. Therefore, its growing popularity in the field of cosmetic laser treatments is well-deserved. Therefore I love it. Besides he is not granted to be sad. However I enjoy games. Consequently I see the increase in the measure. Therefore I plyed with fire. So he stands up. However I look up it. Thus he came. However I came to HongKong. In contrast I played it.
In conclusion, Fotona™ Tight is more than just a laser system; it is a symbol of innovation in non-invasive cosmetic technology. By offering a versatile range of treatments, it truly embodies the future of aesthetic medicine. Hence, its acclaim as a European star is not only fitting but also indicative of its global impact in the realm of cosmetic treatments.
Fotona™ Tight,被誉为欧洲之星的激光收紧系统,是全球首台无创的收紧塑形激光设备。它具有专利的无创紧致技术,包括SmoothLiftin™快速收紧和Piano®深层加热溶脂。此外,它可以应用于面部口腔内收紧,并采用全球唯一的“内外联合、分层治疗”的激光收紧治疗手法,实现溶脂塑形、皮肤紧致和吸脂术后修复的三大目标,让肌肤更加紧致有弹性。
利用 PIANO® 脉冲深层收紧皮肤并减少脂肪
PIANO® 模式采用特殊的Nd:YAG脉冲模式,设计用于均匀地加热组织,既舒适又安全。其超长的脉冲持续时间达到秒级,可以实现全层整体加热,并具有整体协同收紧效果。使用 SMOOTH® 脉冲改善皮肤表面松弛
这一步骤包括革命性的非烧蚀 Er:YAG SMOOTH® 模式,特别适合皮肤收紧。其强烈的、受控的表面组织加热可以刺激胶原蛋白重塑并启动新的胶原蛋白生成,进一步提高治疗区域的紧致度和弹性。
激光紧致 FOTONA™ TIGHT 应用区域
Fotona™ Tight激光紧致治疗适用于身体的任意部位,特别适合以下情况:
- 皮肤粗糙
- 肌肤松弛
- 轮廓线不明显的皮肤
- 双下巴、双颊下垂
- 吸脂术后凹凸不平的肌肤
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