

溶脂针 局部减肥 多伦多



溶脂针 局部减肥 多伦多



溶脂针 局部减肥 多伦多


  • 25年来被广泛应用,全球无数成功案例。
  • 无需手术,无需全身麻醉,安全无风险。
  • 可精确地定位并溶解特定部位的脂肪。
  • 量身定制的疗程,为那些不希望进行手术的人提供了另一种选择。
溶脂针 局部减肥 多伦多


  • 精确并持久:可以精确作用于特定部位的脂肪细胞,并持久减少脂肪。
  • 安全无害:作为非侵入性疗法,与传统的手术方法相比,更为安全,不会留下疤痕或产生凹凸不平的问题。
  • 无需其他配合:治疗后无需特殊节食,见效快,效果持久。



  1. 面部轮廓,如脸部、双下巴和下颌垂肉。当面部的脂肪过多时,面部轮廓可能会变得不太明显。
  2. 躯体部分,例如大腿的内外侧、腹部、髂腰部等处的脂肪堆积。
  3. 针对脂肪团的治疗,如大腿(特别是希望改善所谓的“橘皮组织”)、腹部和手臂上的脂肪团。


During the injection process, doctors meticulously consider the distribution of fat to ensure precise targeting. Consequently, they aim to inject each area with just one needle. To guarantee safety and minimize pain, physicians typically employ blunt needles for injections. Additionally, they ensure that the entire needle head is inserted horizontally into the subcutaneous fat tissue.

The depth of injection varies depending on the area being treated. Importantly, it should be deep enough to avoid reaching muscle tissue, yet shallow enough not to penetrate the skin. To achieve optimal results, doctors execute multi-layered injections. This involves evenly distributing the medication within the subcutaneous fat tissue.

In this procedure, doctors need to carefully adjust the injection’s direction, width, and depth. Notably, incorrect injection techniques or improper control of medication dosage can lead to uneven fat dissolution. This can result in bruising or other adverse reactions.

Furthermore, during the multi-layered injection phase, precision is key. Each layer of fat is treated with meticulous care, ensuring a harmonious and uniform enhancement. Moreover, the doctor’s expertise in navigating the varying depths and densities of fat tissue plays a crucial role.

Subsequently, after each injection, the area is gently massaged. This helps in evenly spreading the hyaluronic acid, further enhancing the treatment’s efficacy. Additionally, this massage technique aids in reducing the likelihood of lumps or irregularities in the tissue.


  • 过敏体质或对豆制品过敏的人。
  • 肿瘤患者。
  • 经期、备孕、怀孕和哺乳期的女性。
  • 肾功能障碍者。
  • 患有高血压、心脏病等疾病的人。
  • 凝血功能障碍者。

Moreover, throughout the procedure, patient comfort is a top priority. Doctors frequently check in with patients to assess their pain levels and comfort. This patient-centered approach not only improves the experience but also helps in achieving better results.

Finally, post-injection care is crucial for ensuring the longevity of the results. Patients are advised to follow specific aftercare instructions. This includes avoiding certain activities and applying recommended treatments to the affected area. Adherence to these guidelines is essential for a successful outcome and patient satisfaction.


  • 1、在进行治疗后的24小时内,受治疗部位不可接触水,48小时内应避免使用热水烫洗和进行剧烈的运动。
  • 2、在治疗后的48小时内,应避免喝咖啡和茶,但可多饮用白开水。
  • 3、在注射溶脂针后的24小时内,避免整脸接触水或受到污染,同时不宜使用化妆品。
  • 4、在注射溶脂针后的72小时内,不应在注射区域及其周围使用任何外用药物和其他刺激性物品。同时,应避免对注射区域及其周围进行剧烈按摩或揉搓,以防感染。
  • 5、在注射后的一周时间里,应避免饮酒和摄入刺激性食品,如辣椒、海鲜等。


  • ID医美的主治医生徐丹是有加拿大医学博士学位的医生
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  • 80,000+安全操作满意案例
  • 徐丹医生独创,通过注射提拉眼部和脸部的技术,专门针对亚洲扁平脸、变小脸
  • 根据你的皮肤问题,设计针对你的个性化解决方案,让医美回归医疗本质
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溶脂针 局部减肥 多伦多
