极速提拉 FOTONA™ 4D®

預約极速提拉 FOTONA™ 4D®


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极速提拉 FOTONA™ 4D® | 多伦多 ID医美诊所

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对于许多求美者来说,她们不愿意随着年纪的增长而接受脸部皮肤的衰老。在众多的抗衰方法中,Fotona 4D®极塑提拉是可供选择的非手术激光治疗,因为它可以有效地提升和紧致皮肤,同时保持自然的外观。

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什么是FOTONA™ 4D® 极速提拉

Fotona 4D®由欧洲之星公司创立,该技术已经被全球多个机构认证,包括美国FDA、欧盟CE及加拿大Health Canada。它可以帮助改善皮肤松弛、溶脂去皱,让肌肤更加紧致和细腻。




Fotona4D®, a unique approach in skincare, offers multiple benefits for facial and skin rejuvenation. Firstly, it effectively lifts and tightens the skin, not only on the face but also on other body areas. Moreover, this treatment significantly reduces fine lines, often developed over time due to aging. Additionally, Fotona4D® presents a remarkable solution for individuals with enlarged pores; it notably minimizes their appearance.

Furthermore, this innovative technique addresses skin pigmentation issues. Specifically, it treats pigmentation caused by prolonged exposure to UV rays, leading to a more even skin tone. Consequently, individuals struggling with uneven skin pigmentation find this treatment exceptionally beneficial. Besides these advantages, Fotona4D® improves the overall texture of the skin. This aspect is particularly advantageous for those with rough skin textures.

After undergoing the Fotona4D® treatment, the skin not only becomes firmer but also regains the radiance and vitality of youth. Therefore, it rejuvenates the skin in a comprehensive manner. Additionally, the process helps in restoring a youthful appearance, which is a significant concern for many. Importantly, Fotona4D® extends its benefits beyond mere surface treatment. It delves deeper, enhancing skin health from within.

Moreover, the treatment is known for its holistic approach. It doesn’t just focus on one aspect of skin health but addresses multiple issues simultaneously. Consequently, this comprehensive approach makes Fotona4D® a preferred choice for those seeking all-around skin rejuvenation. Overall, Fotona4D® offers an unparalleled option for those aspiring to youthful, healthy skin. In conclusion, it stands out as a superior choice in the realm of skin care and rejuvenation.

Fotona 4D®技术特点

  • SmoothLiftin™快速收紧:这是一种非常独特的技术,它通过深层加热来收紧皮肤。

  • Frac3®嫩肤美白:这种技术专注于皮肤的美白和嫩化,让你的脸部焕然一新。

  • Piano®深层加热溶脂:这不仅仅是一个塑形技术,它也可以帮助减少多余的脂肪。

  • Superficial™微米焕肤:这是一个专门针对皮肤表面的技术,它可以有效地去除死皮和其它杂质。

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如果你有以下的情况,那么Fotona 4D®可能是一个非常好的选择:

  • 脸部皮肤松弛
  • 双颊下垂
  • 轮廓线不明显
  • 法令纹明显
  • 眼部皮肤衰老,如眼角下垂、眼周细纹等


  • 治疗时间:整个疗程通常需要80分钟。

  • 恢复期:大多数人在治疗后的一天内可以恢复正常生活。

  • 推荐次数:为了获得最佳效果,我们通常建议进行2-3次治疗。


  • ID医美的主治医生徐丹是有加拿大医学博士学位的医生
  • 徐医生对北美的审美和亚洲面部结构的复杂性有着全面了解
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  • 80,000+安全操作满意案例
  • 徐丹医生独创,通过注射提拉眼部和脸部的技术,专门针对亚洲扁平脸、变小脸
  • 根据你的皮肤问题,设计针对你的个性化解决方案,让医美回归医疗本质
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  • 双语实地坐诊, 让您体验安全疗程
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