悦升线 线雕 多伦多
意大利悦升线线雕 | 多伦多 ID医美诊所
悦升线 线雕 多伦多
The Yuesheng Line is a long-lasting absorbable thread made from an improved, hypoallergenic material known as polylactic-co-glycolic acid. Upon implantation in the human body, it maintains its effectiveness for an extended period. Remarkably, it takes about 12 to 15 months for the thread to naturally decompose through hydrolysis.
Moreover, this innovative product plays a crucial role in stimulating the regeneration of collagen and reorganization of elastic fibers. Consequently, it helps in reconstructing the structure of connective tissues. Additionally, it effectively increases the content of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin in the skin.
Furthermore, the manufacturing process of the Yuesheng Line is highly advanced, utilizing laser cutting technology. This technique not only ensures the consistent quality of the Yuesheng Thread Sculpting but also prevents the thread from becoming brittle, even after a year of exposure to air.
Additionally, it minimizes skin damage. This aspect is particularly important as it facilitates the stimulation of collagen regeneration. Therefore, the Yuesheng Line stands out not just for its material quality but also for the advanced technology used in its production, making it a significant advancement in the field of cosmetic treatments.Furthermore, the Yuesheng thread plays a crucial role in stimulating the regeneration of collagen. Additionally, it aids in the reorganization of elastic fibers. As a result, this leads to the reconstruction of connective tissue structures. This regeneration process is not only effective but also significant for the skin’s health.Moreover, the Yuesheng thread significantly increases the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Concurrently, it enhances the levels of collagen and elastin.
- 表皮层——提亮皮肤。悦升线可以促进细胞再生,使肌肤更加水润和明亮。
- 真皮层——胶原再生。刺激胶原蛋白再生,使肌肤更加紧致和有弹性。
- 皮下组织——支撑充盈。整体支撑皮肤,使其更加饱满和光泽。
- SMAS筋膜——深层提拉。从深层拉紧肌肤,恢复年轻的外观。
- 韧带结构——紧致弹性。使肌肤更加紧致和有弹性。
- 弯曲走向——自然生动。使效果更加自然,不死板。
一般面部线雕的恢复期分为两个阶段,术后一周左右为消肿期,三个月左右为完全恢复期。 由于每个人的体质不同,因此恢复期也是不同的
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